Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations is the flagship publication of the Jewish-Christian relations community so the article will be read by many Jewish and Christian leaders and thinkers involved in dialogue and related research.
The article can be downloaded FREE here.
I think this is a helpful resource not only for our congregations, but for all who are serious about theology, because it lays out a biblical, theological and practical case for Messianic Judaism using Paul's writings as a starting point. It is also an online resource that we can share with church leaders to help them understand the importance of working with the Messianic Jewish community.
Interestingly, the paper also has several pictures of UMJC synagogues and a hyperlink to the UMJC website. So check it out to see if you're mentioned!
Also check out what fellow bloggers Yahnatan (at Gathering Sparks) and Rabbi Derek Leman (at Messianic Musings) have written about this article.
This is an important work by one of our movement’s brightest scholars. I highly encourage you to read this important article.
I enjoyed reading it, thanks for posting the link.
I agree with the distinction between Jew and Gentile and the fact that we can be unified in Messiah without losing our G-d ordained 'calling' as one or the other. But what about conversion?
How does Rudolph address conversion (a spouse of a Jew or a person of Jewish heritage coming back to Judaism, etc.)?
Does his conclusion leave room for the thousands who have Jewish fathers but Gentile mothers to be welcomed back into Judaism?