Parashat D’varim
Deuteronomy is unique. Firstly, the book is a retelling of the entire Torah.
Second, as the Vilna Gaon notes, the first four books of the Torah were heard directly from the mouth of HaShem. Whereas Deuteronomy is Moshe’s recounting of the events at a later date. In the first four books of the Torah, HaShem is the primary speaker. In Deuteronomy, Moshe is the primary speaker.
Lastly, the book involves a different generation than the rest of the Torah. Meaning, the whole reason Moshe is pleading with the people at the beginning of this parasha is because it is a new generation about to go into the Promised Land. This is not the generation who wandered in the dessert for forty years. This is not the generation that left
Many of us represent this new generation. There is a new land we are about to enter. As many voices in the Jewish world are declaring the demise of Judaism in
Deuteronomy is a voice to a new generation. It is a voice to us. You and I may not have physically stood at
The generation of our Torah portion experienced the dying out of the pervious generation. We also do not have to look far to see Judaism diminishing among our parents’ generation. But it does not have to end here. If we are willing to look closely, there is a Promised Land ahead.
The great Jewish believer, Paul Phillip Levertoff once wrote,
It is the business of the Chasid to live now for the realization of the Messianic Age.
We need to create communities that are focused on relationships, where people are valued for being created b’tzelem Elokim – in the image of G-d. Communities where people are empowered to lead and to follow. Where leaders serve as guides, rather than as lone-rangers or stars of the show. We need to embody a vision of Jewish life infused with the power of Yeshua, and filled with the Spirit. We need to reclaim our identities as
There is yet a Promised Land ahead. Are you able to see it? And if you’re able to catch a glimpse of it, are you ready to help build it?
good word bro!
When I read this after I got home tonight I thought "how good is this". A friend and I,both in our early 60's,were haveing this same discussion this afternoon. Many old established congregational communities are full of self relevant gray heads. A song by Neil Simon from our generation told about a rock that was an island. A ,self improtant, island. An actual island vertualy never dies. However a orginization of people who become relevant and important just by vertue of their own existance, without being an interactive part of the at large community. Has become an island. Yeshua referd to it as salt that lost its Savor. If your not relevant you irrelevant. And if you were once relevant and can no longer realize one is not. Than You lost your savor and live with blinders on, no true vision to see ahead. If we remember The Word and its power comming from Sinai but forgot how to applie it too new approaching paradigms, We might find ourselves irrelevant. WE do need to reclaim our identities as Israel. Some have identities from a Theology lerned in Europe, mixed with old Hellenist and greco-roman mindset. We need to reclaim the witness and Theology given at Sinei. And again become Apologists of Yeshua the living Torah/Word.