The week before Pesach, after Yeshua had come from the house of Lazarus (whom he had previously raised from the dead) in Beit-Anyah, he traveled on to
The Passover lambs represented the atonement made on behalf of the Jewish people, and the shedding of whose blood brought deliverance from the plague of death. As Yeshua entered the city, and was met with the same recognition, there was a deep understanding of the event taking place. This was proclamtion to Yeshua's Messiahship and to his beeing seen as the Deliverer of the Jewish people. Riding on a donkey, a messianic symbol in Biblical times, Yeshua was fulfilling prophesies of what was to happen. He knew that it was now time to reveal himself to the world. In this Besorah reading, John testifies of this. How Yeshua, responding to his disciples Andrew and Philip, proclaimed:
“The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Yes, indeed! I tell you that unless a grain of wheat that falls to the ground dies, it stays just grain; but if it dies, it produces a great harvest (John 12:23-24).”
During that final week of preparation before Passover, Yeshua, as the Passover lamb, was prepared to be sacrificed. Like the Passover lamb whose blood brought redemption to the people, Yeshua too knew that his blood would bring redemption to
As Yeshua's elect, we must constantly, on a daily basis acknowlege his Messiahship in our lives. We too must cry out, “Hosha-Na! - G-d, please save us!” We must be desperate to see G-d work in our lives, and in our congregations and synagogues to bring about ultimate redemption! Zol shein zein d'geula, Moshioch zol shoin cumin -How lovely redemption shall be, for Mashiach is on His way!