This weekend we remember the inspiring legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his role in not only the civil rights movement in America, but for his contributions to humanity, and his leadership to a generation.
But why discuss MLK on a Jewish blog?
Many people today are unaware that Jewish individuals and clergy played a tremendous role in the civil rights movement. One of the most prominent Jewish figures in this struggle was none other than Rabbi Dr. Abraham Joshua Heschel - one of the greatest Jewish theologians of our time (Heschel is pictured at far left in the above picture, along with Rabbi Maurice Eisendrath (carrying the Torah), and Rabbi Everett Gendler).
In a tremendous article on the two great figures, Dr. Susannah Heschel (Heschel's daughter) points out that "Heschel and Dr. King marched arm in arm at Selma, prayed together in protest at Arlington National Cemetery, and stood side by side in the pulpit of Riverside Church."
According to Susannah Heschel:
"The relationship between the two men began in January 1963, and was a genuine friendship of affection as well as a relationship of two colleagues working together in political causes. As King encouraged Heschel's involvement in the Civil Rights movement, Heschel encouraged King to take a public stance against the war in Vietnam. When the Conservative rabbis of America gathered in 1968 to celebrate Heschel's sixtieth birthday, the keynote speaker they invited was none other than King. When King was assassinated, Heschel was the rabbi Mrs. King invited to speak at his funeral."
For Heschel, the march from Selma had tremendous spiritual significance. Following the march, he wrote:
"For many of us the march from Selma to Montgomery was about protest and prayer. Legs are not lips and walking is not kneeling. And yet our legs uttered songs. Even without words, our march was worship. I felt my legs were praying."
On this day, as we remember the legacy of MLK, we also recall his friend and colleague, Abraham Joshua Heschel. A holy pair who truly learned to pray with their feet - and taught others to do so as well.
Good post Rebb Josh.
Not just by the political world but the community of faith by and large dose not recognise Rev Martin Luther King Jr. was a 20th century Prophet. The office and role of a Prophet continues as is identified by Shuel in Eph.4,part of the five fold offices for the preperation of the belivers to do the work of Mashiach. This lack of acknowledging the dimension of who M.L.K. was and is to the world robbs his legacy. What a picture, two modren history legacies of faith as a model for us.