We would appreciate hearing from you ...
General Interest
Our blog exists for you ... our readers. Therefore, what would you like to see on our blog in 2011? What kind of topics, discussions, or questions do you find most relevant?
Themed Posts
Additionally, in some upcoming posts I'm considering addressing Ten Misconceptions Jews Have About Yeshua. As such, what do YOU think are the top 10 misconceptions most Jewish people have about Yeshua?
Furthermore, although a number of fine individuals within the Messianic Jewish community have published apologetics (including some really awesome stuff!), I often find myself disappointed with what is largely out there. I feel an incredible burden for the great number of Jewish and non-Jewish people who are often led off the derekh of faith in Yeshua due to the efforts of anti-missionaries, and oftentimes weak and faulty arguments. IMHO, there is just a great lack of quality apologetic materials that truly address many of these issues from a thoroughly Jewish perspective. Rather, we need materials from those who value Jewish texts and traditional Jewish life. Similar to the great early works of such Jewish believers as Rabbi Yechiel Tzvi Lichtenstein, Paul Philip Levertoff, Rabbi Isaac Lichtenstein, Joachim Heinrich Biesenthal, etc.
What do you think? Do you often find this to be true? If so, what do you think are the most pressing issues to be addressed? And what do you think are prevalent topics or issues that have still NOT YET been addressed within the wider Messianic Jewish community?
Please let us know what you think. Afterall, you're input will help shape the future of our blog!
I would say one of the general misconceptions about Yeshua is that he began a new religion teaching against keeping Torah. Another thing thought is that he didn't fulfill the prophecies to be considered the long awaited Moshiach.
Rabbi Brumbach, I'd love to see two things here in 2011:
(1) articles on reasons for faith (apologetics)
(2) Articles reflecting the content of your graduate studies
Derek Leman
I'd like to see
1. a non-polemical approach to apologetics;
2. more on the place of experience (can one easily go off the MJ derekh having experienced a deep and passionate love relationship with Messiah?)
I would also love to see more apologetic posts. The "whys" of faith and the "hows" of faith are often times neglected. Not here, per se, but in general.
ps. the post length here is something I like! nothing is ever too long=-)
I would like too see some Jewish-focused apologetics research into the following topics:
1. Yeshua's qualifications for messiahship and throne of David.
2. Yeshua's nature (human vs. divine - and what exactly does this mean, interaction of the two, and what is absolutely required for one to be a follower).
I think that the above two issues make it or break it for a lot of people when it comes to keeping or losing their faith, as these two things get attacked the most.
Two issues which need to be addressed are the divinity and suffering of the Messiah.
I find it interesting that derring a time of increased political discussion in our midst and elements that seem to seep-up from the political arena, there is a need for apologetics as a real focus. Are we at a time of, back to the future,. Will we be prepairing to be apologests eventualy to the court of Brussels?
Throw another hat in the ring for apologetics.
I appreciated the talk you gave a while back at BPS in which you highlighted the importance of a particular question for our generation which is overlooked in traditional apologetics: "Why Be Jewish?" More and more I've been impressed that a theologically-grounded response to this question forms the basis for Messianic Jewish apologetics as it should exist today, in a world where Jewish identity and practice is increasingly understood by Jews as a matter of choice or cultural preference. This is important for those those who already believe in Yeshua as it is for those who don't yet. This is also important for Gentiles to understand as well as Jews, for it is the majority of Gentile believers who will create the space in which most new Jewish believers will begin to conceive of their responsibilities as disciples of HaShem.