In Matthew 6:1-18, Yeshua emphasizes the importance of kavana, of proper intention, in observance of Torah commands. According to Yeshua, the intention of observing the mitzvot should not be so that others see you doing them, but rather out of obedience to HaShem.
When giving tzedaka, Yeshua states that one is to do so without drawing attention to one’s self, or to the amount. For when done so “your tzedaka will be a secret; and your Father, who sees what you do in secret, will reward you (vs. 4).
Yeshua also gives us some unique insight into prayer itself. That we should not worry about being eloquent, or wordy. But to pray simply, “for your Father knows what you need before you even ask him (vs. 8).” This idea that G-d is more pleased with the humble prayers of the righteous is paralleled in the Talmud:
“When you address the Holy One, blessed be He, let your words be few (b. Berachot 61a).”
The pattern Yeshua follows with (commonly known as “the Lord’s Prayer”) is actually the basic outline of several prayer formulas common within Jewish tradition. The beginning of the prayer, “Our Father in Heaven – Avinu She’BaShamayim,” is the opening of several liturgical prayers in Judaism. And the following line, “may your Name be kept holy” is echoed in the Kaddish – “yitgadal v’yitkadash, shmey raba - magnified and sanctified be your great name.”
Again, well said & Amen.
Toda raba. There are so many parallels between the Lord's prayer and Tanach and tradition (Kadish, Amidah - blessing 3, 6 and 9). I wrote about this in "Our Father" is the Jewish prayer http://messianicministry.info/prayer.htm
This is not a commentary on James. What is important to note, however, is that similar thinking may lay behind the two.